
Regular school attendance is important because it boosts student achievement, improves the quality of our students' educational experience, and it prepares them for college, good careers, and successful adulthood.

When a Navarro student is tardy, absent, or has to leave during the school day, parents and students are asked to follow the procedures that have been put in place.

If you have any questions, the Office of the Attendance Specialist can be contacted via phone at (512) 414-2514 option 1, via fax at (512) 414-6455 or via email at


If a student misses part or all of the school day, we ask that all proper documentation be turned into the Attendance Office no later than 48 hours after the absence has occurred. When submitting an absence note, please make sure to include the following information:

  • Student’s Name
  • Student ID#
  • Grade Level
  • Date(s) of Absence 
  • Reason for Absence

Absence notes may be hand delivered or emailed. All electronic notifications may be submitted below.

Submit an Absence Note

Compulsory Attendance Law

The State of Texas requires that all students at least 6 years of age and not yet 19 attend school until they obtain a diploma. It is important that students attend school each day. There is a very strong connection between student attendance and academic performance in school. Therefore, when students miss class, they miss out on learning.

Early Release / Early Pickup

If you need to pickup your student early from school, you may do so by signing them out in the Main Office. When you arrive, you will be required to present a form of Photo ID to verify that you are on the emergency contact list. All students are responsible to make-up any work that they may have missed.

90% Attendance Rule

In addition to the Compulsory Attendance Law, there is a 90% law. In order to receive credit for a final grade for a class, a student is required to attend class 90 percent of the days a class is offered, regardless of whether the student’s absences are excused [see FEA] or unexcused. Atty. Gen. Op. JC-0398 (2001). If the student does not meet this requirement, the student must go through the Attendance Recovery Process. 

Submission of the attendance appeal must occur within 30 school-days of the end of the semester in which the credit was denied. The campus attendance committee then meets and renders a decision based on the circumstances as presented by the student and parents within 30 school-days of the end of the semester in which the credit was denied.