Navarro BBQ is cooking up some Winnings

The Barbecue Team Traveled to San Antonio to compete in the inaugural year of the Jr. Pitmaster competition. Upon arrival Mr. Cortez and his team learned that they had raised $34,000 in addition to the $20,000 scholarships which sweetened the pot and provided additional motivation. Students Jose and Alexis cooked the best turn ins that they have ever cooked and wound up with 2nd Place Ribs and 4th Place Brisket which secured a 3rd Place Overall Win. The team took home $2750 in premium money which will offset the cost competing for the remainder of the year. 

Other Big Wins:

Travis County Youth Show Welding Contest

1st Place Jose Delacruz

8th Place Isaac Puente

9th Place Diego Torres

10th Place Jose Nunez

Travis County Youth Show Floral Contest

1st Place - Angeles Maldonado, Kenia Alvarez, Nathalia Hernandez

3rd Place - Janissbeth Saldana, Damian Perez, Juana Alvarado

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