
In compliance with Texas Education Code 25.085, all children between the ages of six (6) and nineteen (19) are required to be enrolled in school. If you withdraw your child from our school, please ensure they are promptly enrolled in another educational program to meet attendance requirements. Failure to do so may result in truancy charges being filed.

When you withdraw your student from Austin ISD to enroll in another district, the new school will request your child's records during the enrollment process. There is no need for you to hand-deliver these records.

To process your student’s withdrawal, please provide the following information to the Office of the Registrar:

  • Student's Name
  • Student's Date of Birth
  • Name and Address of New School or Program
  • Parent/Guardian Identification (Photo ID, Driver's License, Passport, etc.)

Withdrawals must be completed in person at the Office of the Registrar. However, if you would like to start the withdrawal process before your visit, you can send the information listed above to navarroregistration@austinisd.org.

Please remember to return all school-issued items—such as Chromebooks, iPads, textbooks, library books, and athletic equipment—to the Main Office upon withdrawal from Austin ISD.

If you have any questions, the Department of Records & Withdrawals in the Office of the Registrar can be contacted via phone at (512) 414-2514 option 3, via fax at (512) 414-6424 or via email at navarroregistration@austinisd.org.