Careers in the Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Career Cluster require a creative aptitude, a strong background in computer and technology applications, a strong academic foundation, and a proficiency in oral and written communication.
Of all the career industries, the Arts, Media, and Entertainment field requires perhaps the greatest cross-disciplinary interaction. Students involved in the Viking Visual program focus on digital art and technology and utilize their artistic and creative skills to provide award winning services to commercial clients, such as major corporations, as well as advertising, design and publishing firms, news media outlets, film companies, and more. Students will experience a digital workflow using cameras, tablets, microphones, video equipment, and the Adobe Suite to create original works.
Digital Design and Multimedia
Digital Design and Media Production (9th-10th Grade)
Commercial Photography I (10th-11th Grade)
Commercial Photography II (11th-12th Grade)
Audio Visual Practicum (12th Grade)