The Navarro Criminal Justice program is a CTE interactive program that allows students the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills for careers in the criminal justice field.
The program is taught by former Senior Police Officer Stephanie Thompson with Austin ISD Police Department. Students will receive information and skills that are real-world applicable and are sought after qualities in the Criminal Justice Field. Certifications/Career Opportunities Earned During the Program:
- First Aid/CPR AED Infant/Child/Adult
- Stop the Bleed Certification
- Non-Armed Security Level II/ TOPS/DPS
- Certification with TABC
- FEMA 100 & CERT Certification
- Intro Human Tracking Certification
- University of Texas Police Department career placement after graduation
Criminal Justice / Law Enforcement
- Law Enforcement I (10th-12th Grade)
- Law Enforcement II (10th-12th Grade)
- Forensic Science (11th-12th Grade)
- Practicum of Law/Internship (12th Grade)
Certifications & Opportunities
- Crash Investigations and Homicide/Crime Scene Investigations
- Junior and Senior students will be allowed the opportunity to work with Brooks Co. SO on a Human Remains Recovery Team
- Internship with University of Texas Police Department